Software AliWEB World Wide Web Database;software.txt Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: An [incr tcl] class browser/debugger (under development) Keywords: tcl/tk, [incr tcl], class browser, debugger Title: Nautilus URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: An X11 interface to the Internet Relay Chat Keywords: tcl/tk, IRC, X11 Title: Zircon URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: An html editor in tcl/tk (under development) Keywords: tcl/tk, html Title: Machete URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: An http server in tcl/tk (under development) Keywords: tcl/tk, http Title: Jungle URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Melanie - Software Packages for 2D PAGE Analysis Keywords: Melanie, 2-D PAGE analysis, electrophoresis Title: Software Packages for 2D PAGE Analysis URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: The contents of file:// are mirrored nightly to this address. Keywords: Mosaic, X, mirror, NCSA Title: Mosaic archive mirror URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: WP2X reads a WP 5.1 file and a configuration file. The WP file is translated using the output format given in the configuration file. An HTML config is available. Keywords: wp5, WordPerfect, HTML converter, wp2html Title: WP2X - WordPerfect 5.1 to anything converter URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: A UNIX mailbox to hypertext (HTML) conversion utility Keywords: mail, html, converter, hypertext, translator, utilities Title: mail2html URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: AIchat Artificial Intelligence Chat program for DOS. Keywords: AI, Chat Title: AIchat URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Home of the MPEG-FAQ. Information and downloadable software to work with MPEG-coded video -and audiostreams. Keywords: MPEG, FAQ, BMP2MPG, MP2INFO, MPEGJOIN, MPEG2PPM, SECMPEG, XMPLAY, XMPEG, Video, Audio, Compression, Multimedia Title: MPEG utilities: Service Page URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: A comprehensive Web server log analyzer program, which can read NCSA, CERN, GN, Plexus, MacHTTP, and Gopher log files. Keywords: log, analyzer, WWW, Web, getstats, statistics Title: Getstats URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: A mailbox to HTML archive convertor written in C. Hypermail can cross-index articles, provides indexes sorted by date, thread, author, and subject, and performs incremental updates. Keywords: WWW, Web, mail, list, www-talk, hypermail, archive Title: Hypermail URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: A Web to WAIS gateway program written in C. Keywords: EIT, WWW, Web, index, search, WAIS, gateway Title: WWWWAIS URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Admin-Email: Admin-Name: Lennart Staflin Keywords: sgml, emacs, syntax directed editing Record-Last-Modified-Date: Sun, 9 Apr 95 22:14:15 +0200 Record-Last-Modified-Email: Record-Last-Modified-Name: Lennart Staflin Title: A GNU Emacs mode for SGML files URI: Version: 0.4 Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Magma is a programming language designed for the investigation of algebraic and combinatorial structures, or magmas. The syntax of the language resembles that of many well-known programming languages. What is special about Magma is the provision of mathematical data types such as gro ups, rings, fields, sequences, sets and mappings, together with a large collection of functions for performing standard tasks in algebra. Information about the algebraic structures and their elements is stored in a mathematically powerful way, making advanced symbolic algebraic computation feasibl e. Magma is a sophisticated tool for experimentation, education, and computer-aided proof, useful for both students and professional mathematicians. Magma was developed by the Computational Algebra Group in the University of Sydney School of Mathematics and Statistics. Keywords: Magma, Cayley, mathematics, algebra, geometry, combinatorics, Sydney Title: Magma URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Caltech VLSI CAD tools Keywords: analog, wol, until, view, wolcomp Title: Chipmunk tools URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Fast, event-driven neural-network simulator that uses analog for front-end schematic capture. Keywords: neural-networks, LLoyd Watts Title: spike-neuralog simulator URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Author-Handle: Copyright: Distributed under the terms of the GPL Description: A smart uudecoder for news or emailed binaries. Keywords: uudeview, uudecode, news Requirements: News access Size-v0: 67317 Size-v1: 56143 Size-v2: 121113 Title: UUdeview, the nice and friendly UUdecoder URI-v0: URI-v1: URI-v2: Version-v0: Version 0.4.13 for Unix (sourcecode) Version-v1: Version 0.4e for DOS (zip) Version-v2: Version 0.4e for MS-Windows (zip) Template-Type: SOFTWARE Admin-Email: Admin-Name: Jaime daSilva Author-Email: Author-Name: Jaime daSilva Description: Amanda is a backup system designed to archive many computers on a network to a single large-capacity tape drive. This release is currently in daily use at the University of Maryland @ College Park, Computer Science Department, backing up all the disks on all the workstations in the dep artment. Format: GNUzipped TAR file Keywords: Automated, backup, networked backup Record-Last-Modified-Date: Wed Jul 5 17:55:05 EDT 1995 Record-Last-Modified-Email: Record-Last-Modified-Name: Mike Chang Requirements: Unix, a C compiler Title: AMANDA - Advanced Maryland Automated Network Disk Archiver URI: Version: 2.2.6 Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Collected Perl, shell and awk scripts Keywords: perl, shell, plexus, converters Title: Shell Script Archive URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Home of the MPEG-FAQ. Information and downloadable software to work with MPEG-coded video -and audiostreams. Keywords: MPEG, FAQ, BMP2MPG, MP2INFO, MPEGJOIN, MPEG2PPM, SECMPEG, XMPLAY, XMPEG, Video, Audio, Compression, Multimedia Title: MPEG utilities: Service Page URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Admin-Handle: Description: Tech Assist has developed a security system for anyone that provides secure transactions regardless of the server requirements. This is done by routing the information to a secure server on a secure link; the secure server encrypts the information (using PGP) and returns it to you for decryption. With a home page you can have secure credit information transferred via the Internet thus bypassing the expense of operating from a secure server. Keywords: web security, secure, ssl, shttp, credit card, secure transaction Title: Security by Proxy URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Author-Handle: Description: Dimensional calculator and units converter, Windows Keywords: unit, dimension, calculate, convert Title: DimCalc URI: Version: 1.01 Template-Type: SOFTWARE Author-Handle: Description: Cryptogram Deciphering Program, C source code Keywords: cryptogram, cryptography, decipher, code Title: decp URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE Description: Home of the MPEG-FAQ. Information and downloadable software to work with MPEG-coded video -and audiostreams. Keywords: MPEG, FAQ, BMP2MPG, MP2INFO, MPEGJOIN, MPEG2PPM, SECMPEG, XMPLAY, XMPEG, Video, Audio, Compression, Multimedia Title: MPEG utilities: Service Page URI: Template-Type: SOFTWARE City: Champaign Country: USA State: IL